jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

The importance of Innovation

The innovation on teaching process is really important. We have to take account that nowadays there are many technological tools and instruments that catch students attention like internet and so on, for that reason we like teachers need to innovate our methods trying to involve and catch students attention on the way they like, or activities more interesting for them. These innovated tools could bring good results on the learning and teaching process; just we need to know how to apply this on the best way possible to get those results.
In addition of this situation the teacher or professor has to think in better ways to transmit the knowledge not only the knowledge to make the students interested in the different subjects that they have at Elementary School or High School. A good teacher has to think in all the aspects that we can use as a tool to guide the class for instance the environment, the structure, noise and so on. We as a facilitator must motivate the students with different games or strategies so they can feel confidence in class and work better.
The teaching process like everything on this world need to get actualization day to day, trying to understand and know what students like and interest, for that reason the innovation is really important an a good help for teachers teaching process. Changing our minds of how we teach in our classrooms will lead us to an innovated perception of what we are doing with our students. Being conscious of the real needs of each learner can provided a better learning process for them.

By: Alexander Guevara G.

Teacher’s Attitude

Setting the proper mood for teaching a language is a task that requires not only elaboration, yet lots of positive reinforcement. Students tend to undergo a series of emotional endeavors when they hear the word: English. It is perhaps whether the loss of interests due to previous experiences or the implications the target language might generate to their self-confidence and autonomy. Therefore, the teacher’s task is beyond of applying the adequate tools, such as methodology choice and task planning and execution. It also relies on building a healthy environment to enhance students’ language acquisition and outcomes. ESL and EFL teachers are in charge of displaying the best of their own behavior and personality to perpetuate the adequate tone in the class. However, there is more at stake to fulfill the purpose of keeping the students interested and of creating a proper climate.
First of all, teachers are the key for motivation. They are the leaders of the class and their performance has a powerful effect on the psyche of students. They must always portray an outgoing personality without wearing the shoes of a clown. Besides, there has to be a bridge for students to trust their teacher and feel confident to express themselves freely without expecting mockery from other classmates. Students feel much more attuned with English classes when they are conscious of their teacher’s support and willingness to help.
Combating the lack of interest in the process and the loss of interest in the language is not a kid’s assignment. How to get attention from students when they don’t tune in with the language is not a five-step formula. Teacher must employ their expertise in creating updating and fascinating activities for student to engage in. That is to forget, at some point, about textbooks created for either adult education or children education. Those textbooks contain activities with content that today students are not familiar with. For children textbook, students lose interest because of the lack of difficulty. Here lies the creativity and knowledgeable sense for current events to build an appealing task. It becomes a hard time since students, because of their uniqueness, share a wide range of distinctive preferences. Therefore, teachers must prevent the lack of interest of such task by improving it in a way that provokes a raising interest in all students to be involved with. For instance, they share different preference in music styles, so taking into account the teacher can come up with a debate on which music style is the best and why. However, by applying this, students can fall into a dispute that can lead to disorganization and intolerance. In order to avoid the rambling of such misfortunate events, the teacher’s personality and behavior comes into action to perpetuate the righteous climate.
Another factor in consideration is the setting the proper goal. Objectives and tasks should be under the watchful eye of a personal guideline to assure the adequacy of applying and executing activities on the students’ cognitive level. It tends to occur that activities and tasks are either over the comprehension of students due to their complexity or under the complexity they are capable of achieving. Taking care of the students’ confidence and autonomy represents the recollection of valuable outcomes through the process of acquiring the language. If students feel overwhelmed by the complexity of a task, their levels of frustration increase. The less interference of the teacher during the pupil’s execution raises his sense of autonomy and self-confidence. Therefore, planning must strictly consider the ability for pupils in advance to execute tasks freely.
The latter is enclosed when diagnosis is held. The diagnosis test or practice provides the information to answer the question of how complex a task must be. As well, the diagnosis offers the social affective profile of students. This data, if it is properly handled, infers the sort of lessons and procedures to undergo in and out of class.
In conclusion, teachers must be prepared to undergo a series of challenges that might interfere with their identity in order to enhance acquisition and learning in the class. As well, leading a proper recollection of student’s information eases the upcoming work and helps to start building an environment of camaraderie. Therefore, focusing on the student as a person, whose feelings, anxieties, abilities and disabilities interfere widely and deeply in his process of education, contributes to humanize the education and give language teaching the proper status. As William Ward said, "the mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."

Educational innovation

The process for bilingualism and multilingualism has come through paths of changes and resolutions of new ideas to step forward search of the best options for learning and acquiring languages. In educational grounds, European countries are always in search and on implementation process to fulfill the needs of the current changing society. However, Latin American systems of education face against several impotencies to bring innovation into the core of national syllabus and curriculum. Despite of the breakthroughs accomplished the Costa Rican education system for EFL teaching and learning does not create an optimum environment for putting into action any educational innovation. Educational Innovation is given under the conditions, as it is stated in the article, “a systemic ecology that either promotes or inhibits innovation. In other words, cultural, economic, political, and other factors always mediate the possibility of change.” Inferring the different agents, whose responsibility for improvement lies on the availability and capability to adopt and to undergo such innovation, national teachers and entities show certain deficiencies in such process.
First of all, the national syllabus and curriculum fails in providing an updated and contextualized content of teaching for EFL students and teacher across the country. The current programs are based on a Costa Rica that hasn’t evolved. Their objectives do not lead to the actual aspiration of language proficiency in demand. These programs have not been renewed since 1998, when Communicative Approach was directed and implemented. The second improvement was basically a change of layout, because if a comparison is set—which has unofficially been done—the results will prove the obvious similarity of both. Nevertheless, MEP authorities claim that such new programs are based on the needs of every student for acquiring the language to perform at an appropriate level.
On the other hand, there has been a recent implementation of technology in educational centers for children and teenage English learning. Those accomplishments are the opening of language laboratories for improving the English for Conversation and English for Special Purposes, the latest is held in technical high schools. Also, the opening of bilingual high school where English is divided into two classes, each of one dealing with two major skills (Speaking/Listening class and Reading/Writing class) comes one of the valuable changes in appreciation of English in terms of language globalism and job demand. Unfortunately, these advances have not resulted in any outcome that would reinforce the efficiency of such process, diminishing the importance of such breakthroughs.
As a matter of fact, those changes have come short in the capability to prove the impact that they have. The reason of such failure is the inability and sufficient mastery in their language of expertise by most English teachers who are employed every year. Those teachers are afraid of introducing new theories and methodologies because the eminent threat of failing in class and proving themselves wrong in front of their students. However, innovation occurs when knowledge is possessed. Therefore, training has been imparted to a little amount of teachers in order to introduce new methodologies. For instance, TBI and CBA have been already introduced. The question remains in how many teachers are actually putting into practice or sharing such knowledge.
For reducing the blame most teacher may have for the inadequacy of bringing students closer to acquisition, materials spread and publicized widely in stands in every library continue to provide less interesting and contextualizing activities and tools for students to relate to and to be engaged in class.
In conclusion, educational innovation is out there, waiting. However, the process of innovation does not come as fast and effective as it has to. The agents lately stated have committed insufficiently to provoke in students and in ESL and EFL educational system an insurgency for change. As Alfred North Whitehead said “Education with inert ideas is not only useless; it is above all things harmful.”

By: Alexander Guevara G